There is something called Vegenaise , it is made with grape seed oil instead of canola and eggs, it tatses like mayo and looks like mayo but is heart healthy and wonderful. Pick it up at your local health food store and if your local store is big enough they usually have it as well! It is great on everything that requires Mayo!
Grapeseed Oil
Grapeseed oil has extraordinary qualities with respect to its effect on cholesterol. Clinical tests have shown grapeseed oil to have a significant effect on lowering serum cholesterol. More importantly, subjects experienced a lowering of LDL (the so called ';bad'; cholesterol), and an increase in HDL (the ';good'; cholesterol). Those already familiar with grapeseed oil's powerful family of antioxidants known as proanthocyanidins which are naturally occurring in grapeseed oil are not effected by the processing used to create Grapeseed Oil Vegenaise. The a unique cold process keeps all available nutritional factors intact.What are foods that resemble mayonnaise in look and texture?
Reduced creams, yogurt, hollandaise sauce, cream sauces, sour cream, creme fraiche. You don't want anything that has other colors in it like ranch, and you should look for something thick like a paste
cooked cauliflower - mashed.
sour cream.
cream cheese.
miracle whip, LOL
Vanilla Pudding
Plain yogurt, sower cream, whipped cream cheese. These are some that look like mayo.
Hope this helps!
This salad dressing my mom bought from Adil's. It comes in a jar.
ranch dressing, marshmallow cream....?
tater sauce, frozen wipped cream
Plain yogurt, sour cream or maybe creme fresh
sour cream is the only thing that comes to mind.
vanilla pudding maybe just make it with a little more milk
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